Marvel Snap Update

Marvel Snap Dec 5th Balance Update

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This could easily be debated as the biggest patch that Marvel Snap has ever seen! Rather than say a single thing more lets get into those changes!

America Chavez:

Old: Started at the bottom of your deck and automatically drawn on turn 6.
New: 2/3 power card that gives the top card in your deck +2 power when played.

Why the change?
America Chavez was too powerful and made decks too consistent.
New version is still strong but encourages more interesting deck building.


Old: Destroyed all enemy cards played at its location, even if not revealed.
New: Only destroys unrevealed enemy cards.

Why the change?
Alioth was too frustrating to play against, especially when played first.
New version still counters late-game threats but is more fair.

Luke Cage:

Old: Prevented your cards from having their power reduced.
New: Only prevents cards at his location from having their power reduced.

Why the change?
Luke Cage was too strong and made it difficult to counter certain decks.
New version still protects your cards but allows for more counterplay.

Shadow King:

Old: Set all cards at his location to their base power.
New: 2/2 power instead of 2/3.

Why the change?
Shadow King was too strong with Luke Cage.
New version is still strong but less dominant.

Elsa Bloodstone:

Old: Gave +2 power to another card if you played a card to fill a location.
New: 2/3 power and gives +2 power to the card played after her at the same location.

Why the change?
Elsa Bloodstone was too confusing and encouraged filling multiple locations.
New version is simpler and encourages strategic card placement.

Marvel Snap Dec 5th Balance Update / PowerUp Gamer
Marvel Snap Dec 5th Balance Update / PowerUp Gamer
Other Changes:
  • Kitty Pryde is now 1/1 power.
  • Ebony Blade (Black Knight) can’t be destroyed or have its power reduced.
  • Ravonna Renslayer is now 2/3 power.
  • Mind Stone draws 2 random 1-cost cards instead of 2 Mind Stones.
  • Unrevealed cards can no longer be moved by most cards.
  • Spider-Man and Stegron have been slightly changed.
  • Juggernaut and Aero have been reworked significantly.
  • Phoenix Force bug fixed.
  • Many cards have minor text updates for clarity.
Overall Marvel Snap Update:

This update aims to make Marvel SNAP more balanced and fun for all players. It introduces some new strategies and counters to existing decks.


These are just some of the major changes.
You can read the full patch notes for more details.
Have fun experimenting with the new patch!

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