fishing in world of warcraft

Exploring the Fishing profession and it’s benefits in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight

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As someone who has played World of Warcraft from the beginning, I was always focused on the larger aspects of the game — Raiding, PvP, Crafting. And until the new expansion Dragonflight, I had never really given fishing much thought. It was always this free profession sitting there in my skill book ready for me to work on it. So I finally decided to take some time this 2022 Christmas season to try it out for myself, and answer the question, “What is the Fishing profession in World of Warcraft?”

For starters, the fishing profession in World of Warcraft allows players to catch fish from bodies of water and then sell them or use them as reagents for other crafting professions. Fishing can also be a useful skill to have for players who enjoy the relaxation of fishing and the potential rewards it can bring.

One way in which the fishing profession can be useful in raiding is through the gathering of food and drink, which can provide raid members with buffs to their stats. Many types of fish can be used as ingredients in food and drink recipes, which can provide temporary bonuses to attributes such as strength, agility, and stamina.

Additionally, some fish can be used as reagents for potions and flasks, which can provide temporary boosts to a player’s stats or resistance to certain types of damage. These consumables can be useful in helping a player survive and perform better during raids.

In addition to the practical benefits of fishing in raiding, the profession can also be a useful way for players to relax and take a break from the intensity of raiding. Fishing can provide a change of pace and a chance for players to socialize and enjoy the virtual world of Azeroth.

Overall, while the fishing profession may not be directly essential for raiding, it can still be a useful skill to have for the gathering of food, drink, and other consumables that can aid in raiding, as well as a way to relax and enjoy the game.

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