lego fortnite

Lego Fortnite: From Glitch Chaos to Durability Drama!

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Buckle Up, Builders!

Yo, fellow Brickslayers! Remember that chest-bashing trick to keep your pickaxes sparkling new? Epic Games just Thanos-snapped it outta existence, and the community’s gone bananas. But hold the rage-quit button, because things just took a spicy turn!

Lego Fortnite: From Glitch Chaos to Durability Drama! / PowerUp Gamer

**Here’s the lowdown for Lego Fortnite:**

* We all loved that sweet chest-repair hack, right? Easy fix, happy faces. Epic, in their ninja stealth mode, patched it out, leaving us scrambling like Kevin in a maze. No more tool rejuvenation at the expense of a measly chest. Brutal.
* The outcry was real. “Unplayable!” some cried, while others saluted the bug fix but begged for a legit repair system. Inventory slots are precious, Epic, don’t make us hoard pickaxes like golden bricks!
* Enter the plot twist: **Durability Buffaloo!** Epic heard our pickaxe-waving pleas and buffed the max durability of ALL tools and weapons by a whopping 30%! Boom! That’s like finding a golden scarab in a pumpkin patch.

**But wait, there’s more!**

* This update might make your already-crafted tools look a little rough around the edges. Don’t panic! They’re just adjusting to their new, buff life. New tools will be born glorious and durable.
* Now, the big question: is this enough? We still wanna tinker, repair, and maybe fast-travel back to base for a quick tool touch-up. What do you think, builders?

Lego Fortnite: From Glitch Chaos to Durability Drama! / PowerUp Gamer

**Let’s talk!**

* Did the durability buff ease your tool-trauma?
* What repair solutions would you dig?
* Is Lego Fortnite still the bricktastic adventure it promised?

Sound off in the comments, fam! Let’s build a community discussion hotter than a dragon’s breath. Remember, Epic’s just warming up the adventure – let’s see what amazing builds they craft next!

**P.S.** Don’t forget to share your wildest Lego Fortnite moments with the hashtag #BricktasticBuilds! Let’s show the world the power of imagination and plastic bricks!

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