LEGO Fortnite Village Upgrade List: Transform Your Sandcastle into a Gaming Paradise / PowerUp Gamer

LEGO Fortnite Village Upgrade List: Transform Your Sandcastle into a Gaming Paradise

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Tired of your village looking like a sandcastle after a storm? Yeah, me too. That’s why its important to upgrade your village as they are the golden bricks of LEGO Fortnite. We’re going to explore what they are and how to unlock every perk in our LEGO Fortnite Village Upgrade List.

Upgrade Your Village in LEGO Fortnite

First things first: remember that sweet, sweet feeling when you plonk down your first Village Square? Well, hold onto that rush because every level-up unlocks a whole new wave of awesome. We’re talking more villagers, cooler craftables, and enough storage space to make even Midas jealous.

lego fortnite village upgrade list

Level 1-5: This is where your village sprouts its tiny legs. You get the basics like beds (so those snoozing villagers have somewhere to crash), a crafting bench (for whipping up those essential weapons and tools), and more villager slots. Remember, more villagers mean more muscle for building and defending your bricktastic kingdom.

Level 6-10: Now things get spicy! You unlock the Fertilizer, the key to growing more crops (and trust me, those Veggie Stews are lifesavers during a monster attack). You also get access to the Workshop, where you can craft advanced gear like the Uncommon Axe (say goodbye to flimsy planks and hello LEGO Flexwood).

Level 11-15: Brace yourselves, builders, because this is where things get SERIOUS. You unlock the Blacksmith, where you can forge epic weapons and tools. Plus, you get the holy grail of upgrades: the Dynamic Foundations! These bad boys let you build platforms that snap together, stack, and even roll around on wheels. Imagine mobile fortresses, friends! The possibilities are endless [Share your creations in the comments!].

Level 16 and beyond: This is where the real endgame content kicks in. We’re talking fancy new crafting stations, epic villager perks, and even a Mystery Box that throws out random goodies. Basically, your village becomes a self-sustaining brick-brewing machine.

Village Upgrades List

Village LevelRequired Resources
Level 1Build Village Square
Level 215 Wood, 15 Granite
Level 310 Planks, 20 Granite
Level 410 Knotroot, 15 Planks, 25 Granite
Level 515 Knotroot, 20 Planks, 15 Marble
Level 620 Knotroot, 30 Granite Slabs
Level 720 Knotroot Rods, 20 Marble Slabs
Level 830 Marble Slab, 10 Rough Amber
Level 915 Flexwood, 15 Obsidian, 10 Cut Amber
Level 1015 Flexwood Rods, 30 Obsidian Slabs, 20 Cut Amber

But hey, remember: upgrading isn’t just about the shiny new toys. It’s about creating a vibrant, thriving community. Those extra villagers mean more quests, more laughs, and more epic battles against the storm. So, grab your pickaxes, gather your crew, and start building! The ultimate LEGO Fortnite village awaits!

LEGO Fortnite Villagers Explained

LEGO Fortnite Village Upgrade List: Transform Your Sandcastle into a Gaming Paradise / PowerUp Gamer

First things first, you gotta recruit ’em. Using your crafted bed from earlier, and soon enough, a villager will stumble upon your hospitality. Assign them that bed, and boom, they’re part of the crew!

Now, these villagers ain’t just freeloaders. They got skills, yo! Some are whizzes with the pickaxe, others can craft like nobody’s business. As they level up, their abilities get even sweeter. Imagine a lumberjack who can chop down a forest in one swing or a blacksmith who forges weapons so epic, they’d make Midas jealous.

But remember, happy villagers are productive villagers. Keep ’em well-fed with those Veggie Stews (trust me, they’re surprisingly tasty), and assign them jobs that suit their skills. A builder bored with farming? Switch things up! Give them a crafting station and watch their creativity flow like molten lava.

And here’s the kicker: villagers ain’t just for show. They’ll fight alongside you, defend your village from monster attacks, and even join you on quests for epic loot. They’re your comrades, your crew, your brick-building besties!

The Latest on Fortnite

Now, let’s hear it from you, builders! What’s your favorite village upgrade? What are you saving up for next? Share your tips and tricks in the comments below! We’re all in this brick-laying game together!

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